bitter end. he had been there for three weeks, right? he had been through the fire, every single day. if bill clinton survived this kind of thing -- >> anthony weiner has got to start listening to advice, but if he gets off the ray car screen, 2013 is a mayor election in new york, people say he's dead, america is a very forgiving country. >> martha: very forgiving country. >> 2013, he's refreshed, revitalized anthony weiner announced he's throwing his britches back in the ring. martha: how about november of next year? >> little too early. martha: a little too early? >> that's what i think. martha: you know, it's a study in public relations, media relations -- relations, this entire thing. we listened to bill pascrall, congressman from new jersey say if he had just admitted it right off the bat he could have hung on to his job. >> never. martha: why not? >> he's arrogant. the lie was part of it. the lie was part of it. >> martha: and the fact that -- >> i'll tell you why, if the democrats ran with him sitting there, next to charlie rangel and the