really doesn't hold together. think about it. jon: so voters don't go into the booth and say i'm unhappy with my republican governor, therefore, i'm going to vote for a democratic president? >> that's nuts. next year the presidential race is going to be everywhere, the presidential candidates, federal issues, people we focused on barack obama, the economy, afghanistan, the republican nominee, they're not going to be making decisions via their attitudes towards the republican governor in ohio or florida. it just isn't going to happen. jon: all right. let's turn your attention real quickly to congressman anthony weiner. he is about to resign. your take on it from washington where you sit now. >> good news for the democratic congressional leadership. they've wanted to put this behind -- jon: really? >> absolutely. they wanted to put this behind them so instead of spending every day talking about congressman wiener and why he should resign and what they're going to do to punish him, now they're going to get that out of the way, and they'll be able to return to medicare and the republicans and keep the focus on the republicans. it's all about the narrative,