officially deny thank any army major has been arrested, and u.s. officials are not confirming or denying the no, times story. jon: so leon panetta went to pakistan, i know, to meet with the isa, the inter services intelligence agency chief, that was after the confirmation hearings last week. what happened? >> that's right. he was facing senate confirmation hearings on thursday, he flew out to pakistan shortly after that, it was a surprise to many when we heard word that he was out there, meeting with the isi chief. we are told that this is an issue that was raised with the pakistanis, there are many strains in the relationship, among those strain, not only the arrest of the five informants but also the fact that the u.s. and the cia, as a test for the isi, shared information about two bomb making facilities in the northwest frontier province of pakistan, in those tribal areas and two days later