at a bad joke. >> they knew from the get-go out of the 830 billion dollars in the stimulus bill 47 billion dollars went for shovel-ready projects. some of those shovel-ready projects are the high speed rail projects that are not being built and won't be. not even all of the 47 billions has been spent. not all has been obligated. certainly we haven'«tten the kind of jobs that we were lead to believe we had. >> greta: karl, thank you. >> you bet. >> greta: tears flowing today in the casey anthony murder trial this time not casey, but her mother cindy. prosecutors call cindy anthony to the stand for the third time. and questioned the grandmother cindy about something disturbing. remnants of a t-shirt found with 2-year-old caylee's remains. >> would it be fair to say that you have never seen that shirt at your house?