plus, what impact has all that scientific, forensic testimony had? confused the jurors or ice the case, let's go in depth rick has more at call -frplts its you decide, we report. there's are three hot stories. we like them all. we want to know which one you want to hear about. go to the home page for 0 "happening now." you want to know more about a murder suspect who was aeu tabbed in court? would you like to hear about an uninvited pool guest while there were some people in the pool i should tell you. and there is a little boy who captures an earthquake on tape in new zealand. you tell us which one you want we'll have the results a little later on in the show, and we'll have more of "happening now" right after this. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has