press conference. >> i wish every day could be anthony wiener holds a press conference day. >> it is like news christmas. >> or news hanukkah. can't forget the jews. >> or news kwanza. can't forget the people that celebrate kwanza. >> you are right. go away, andy. let's welcome our guests. she is so british her stiff upper lip owns a hat. i am here with imojen hoyed webber. -- lloyd webber. and his latest comedy cd is called "pro choice," a pun there. and his latest fragrance dispair will be in stores later this week. it is bill shultz. and he is banned from joining any neighborhood watch groups. sitting next to me, he is well armed and co-host. he has the opie and anthony show. and our "new york times" correspondent, good to see you, pinch. bad day for you. >> what are you talking about? are you talking about my tweet or his?