>> well, i think coming from detroit, we have a certain sensibility as to what has gone wrong at the federal level and how government can be an obstacle to the growth and prosperity that people need to feel comfortable around the home and again realize that america's best days are ahead. at present time we have not heard that type of encouraging message from others and i would hope that i could bring an articulating of the message into the candidate's for runs and maybe people would agree with it. >> listen you, of course, are known around washington and i'm sure in your district as well as home as being sort of quirky, that is the word that is used and i think you embrace it as well. how do you think that will be a plus or minus for you as you hit the campaign trail? >> what you have to understand in washington, nuts is normal. when you go out there and remain normal and don't assimilate into the inside the beltway culture you are different than somebody else, the fact that when i come home i'm just like somebody else and when i go out there i'm different. i don't know whether i embrace it or not. i'm not going to change any more when i'm in washington

Related Keywords

People ,Us ,Government ,Home ,Sensibility ,Prosperity ,Obstacle ,Growth ,Level ,Detroit ,Course ,Twoto Washington ,Candidate ,Message ,Others ,District ,Type ,Articulating ,Runs ,Point Of View ,Word ,Quirky ,Nuts ,Journey Home ,Fact ,Culture ,Somebody Else ,Dont Assimilate ,Inside The Beltway ,

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