shannon: just so we're clear you see the empty chair, simon rozenburg has left this conversation. we know that this is a topic that gets very heated very ugly in washington and around the country as we try to find solutions. it's a difficult one, there are no easy solutions. both sides know we have to make sacrifices and do thins. ben, thank you, simon thank you, we hope you'll both come back. >> thanks for having me. shannon: there is growing public debate over one couple's decision to raise their child without identifying the baby's gender, that's right they are not telling anyone, not even the grandparents know if it's a boy or girl. it's a baby. that's the way the parents want it. why? all right. and it may be the biggest gamble of john edwards life, the one time vice-presidental nominee apparently plans to risk it all to clear his name in court. would that really be his best strategy if that's the way he goes? if big brother tells to you vaccinate your child, should you have to? why some parents say not over their dead bodies. >> as a parent, how does it make you feel when they say you have