after ward the pilot thanked the passengers for their calm response. listen to this. >> stay cool, stay calm listen to the directions of the cabin crew, which you all did. and for that we thank you. martha: 136 people on board that plane. fortunately everybody is doing okay. thankful to be alive. the nation's home builders issued a very gloomy new forecast. they say that the housing market likely will not recover this year, and here is the bad news. they say it might get worse. it comes as we get new polling numbers from rasmussen on this. they are concerned that the value of their home will likely remain the same at best. 27% think the price of houses will go down. this is everybody's biggest investment in their personal

Related Keywords

Passengers ,Stay Cool ,Pilot ,Calm Response ,Directions ,Stay ,Award ,Cabin Crew ,Martha ,People ,Everybody ,Nation ,Plane ,Home Builders ,136 ,Housing Market ,News ,Polling Numbers ,Forecast ,Home ,Value ,Houses ,Price ,Investment ,27 ,

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