>> we actually lived through-- after we go through there don't forget the-- >> i'm speaking about poor dagen's parents, and begging with a tin cup and dagen is a tv star, sorry, can't help you (laughter) >> oh, god, woman. >> i'm kidding, i'm kidding. >> and ben stein, what do you think of this. >> i think i'm going to say what i've said before. we're going to have to raise taxes and nobody can bring himself to do it or herself to do it. we'll have to do it eventually. they can cut, cut, cut, cut. they're going to have to raise taxes on high income people and-- >> they've already given up the fight. >> haven't started. >> what we'll try to do is it cut away and scale the growth of medicare. >> and they can try to do that. as far as i'm he concerned, they can apolish medicare for very rich people. it's fine with me, but i think that we're going to have to raise taxes. >> you know how you know the public is sick of raising taxes.