does that change your opinion? go to our unscientific poll. meantime we talked about the scep ti cism -- skepticism, right, and pakistan and whether or not they had no idea where usama bin laden was. their skepticism in afghanistan as well, a spokesman saying pakistan's powerful intelligence service must have known the terror leader was living just miles from the capitol city. conor powell is streaming live from kabul. conor. >> reporter: well, jen yarks afghan officials have long accused pakistan of not only harboring terrorists like osama bin laden, but also giving aid and comfort and supplying the fighters who are waging war here in afghanistan. senior members of the taliban are believed to be hiding out in parts of pakistan. there also are other members of al-qaeda that are believed to be in pakistan as well. so there's long been sort of a lot of an-- animosity and disbelief and trust in pakistani officials because of this. today, one of the most senior members of the afghan