back to andy levy for the past game wrap up. >> what did you think of what you heard obama was killed? >> he is with squad 288 and fire department guy and one of the best weapons experts i have ever worked with on special forces. he lost 19 guys and i have been down range with him three times of the i want to say i love you and i hope you get a little closure after this. >> cool. excellent. >> pab, anything you want to plug? >> yeah, i just want to remind people, don't forget alabama. they were hit hard by the tornados, and i have a friend down there, and he asked me to come on and mention that you can text red cross 90999 to make an automatic $10 donation. please take care of those folks. >> excellent. >> what are you plugging this week? >> well, first of all, just a huge thank you to everybody in the intel community and the