and then that theologians would say, look, there's intersession through john paul ii, and we can only claim this is from god, god alone that's the next step and another big celebration like this probably in a few years. >> father jonathan, now pope benedict made his way to the altar where the coffin of pope john paul ii has been placed and he's praying. what's the significance of this? >> this is a remembrance of a sacredness of human life. that here his remains are laid out right there in front of the first pope, peter. and we're recognizing that yes, he has died, yes, he is in heaven, we are, we are proclaiming, i mean, the church through the beatification, but his time here in this life. his remains, his body are also important. why? because they were temples of the holy spirit so right there next to the remains of peter the first pope, john paul ii is placed and people are going