pentagon it costs the taxpayer $344,259 to produce. it's the first report on afghanistan since the 30,000 surge troops finished arriving last november. its conclusion, "overall the progress across afghanistan remains fragile and reversible, but the momentum generated over the last six months has established the necessary conditions for the commencement of the transition of security responsibilities to afghan forces in seven areas this summer." fragile and reversible, a phrase favored by general petraeus who has not yet offered his recommendations for how steep a drawdown he recommends in july. the president has said it will be more than "token gesture." today's progress report suggests there is still a shortage of trainers for afghan military. but notes that since september 30 of last year, afghanistan has added more than 36,000 new recruits to the afghan national security forces.

Related Keywords

First Report On Afghanistan ,Progress ,Conclusion ,Taxpayer ,Surge Troops ,30000 ,344259 ,Conditions ,Security Responsibilities ,Commencement ,Momentum ,Transition ,Areas ,Afghan Forces ,Six ,Seven ,General Petraeus ,President ,Has ,Progress Report ,Recommendations ,Phrase ,Drawdown ,Gesture ,Steep A ,Shortage ,Recruits ,Trainers ,Afghan National Security Forces ,September 30 ,36000 ,30 ,

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