the area down there economically, but the environmental doomsday scenarios turned out to be totally overblown. >> jim. >> back it what stewed i was saying, 1969 richard nixon president. 1989, george w. bush, george h.w. bush, i was there for that one and wrapped the exxon valdez for bush that time. 2010, barack obama democrat, president. oddly enough brian williams and ann thompson on the coast last week and never knew that obama was president and delinked from the story and it's sort of something that happened and b p's fault and that's it. >> kirsten, has the president-- >> people don't know who the president is? and i think it's the media, pack mentality and move from story to story and can't cover anything, the whole group is on and it and move on. the royal wedding is the big thing and reporting showing, actually there are reporters at mother jones trying to

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Georgew Bush ,Area ,It ,Richard Nixon ,Doomsday Scenarios ,Jim Pinkerton ,Georgehw ,1989 ,1969 ,President Obama ,Jason Riley ,Democrats ,Coast ,Bush ,Exxon Valdez For Bush ,Brian Williams ,Ann Thompson ,2010 ,One ,President ,Something ,People ,Story ,Media ,Fault ,Bp ,Kirsten ,Win Anything ,Thing ,Group ,Showing ,Reporters ,Wedding ,Move On ,Pack Mentality ,Mother Jones ,

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