the ground in syria saying that at least 25 people have been killed in syria today. other reports are saying higher. many more people are injured as well. clashes between anti-government protesters and government security forces, live ammunition, we are told, are being used against the demonstrators, and it is happening in clashes all across the country including -- and this is important -- the very heart of the capital of syria, damascus. at the center of it all, the embattled syrian president, basharal assad, he, of course, rules a country that is critical to mideast peace efforts. that's why this is so important. he has been offering up conciliatory moves including the slashing down of harsh emergency measures that have been in place for decades. however, at the same time he's been turning his own security forces against his own people, and the protesters have been upping the ante as well. in the past couple weeks they've been calling just for reforms of the government, now they are calling for regime change and