season. alarm bells going off. something musting going on. must be answering somebody's question. >> bill: how much the obama campaign spent so far in dealing with this investigation? how much have they spent? >> well, we don't know exactly dealing with this eggs have a. we know they have spent about 3 million bucks in legal fees post election, which is about three times what they spent during the election season. >> now, you are a political expert. is it unusual for a sitting president -- everybody has to understand. even though you are elected you still keep your campaign open to raise money because you are looking for next election or whatever. each after you are elected the second time you keep it open to pay any debts you might have to pay any debts you might have or whatever. is it unusual for a sitting president's campaign fund to pay $3 million out when there really isn't any action. >> the numbers are weird for obama because he raised so much more money than everybody else did. give an example.