safety in the skies, air traffic contollers and the main topic now. exactly, molly we'll be talking about the incident, a northwest jet and a hole in the fuselage and cracking problems in a lot of older 737's and as you pointed this just again this week, all of these things happened in the last few weeks with that big jumbo jet, the biggest passenger plane, airbus 380, clipping a commuter plane at jfk and twirling it around like a tinker toy. >> dave: and politics on the menu. tom coburn, senator, and chris van hall, it may come up that the republicans in the house got through that budget and what the future means in terms of medicare and how to sell that thing. should be a great show. check your local listings, thank you, chris. >> thank you, guys. >> molly: the field is widening for possible presidential candidates, but when contenders like donald