he's never been dunked before. >> i like you! >> i'm going to dunk him. >> what are you going to do? >> i'm going to dunk him! >> i'm going to dunk him! >> all right. >> i'm sure you want to dunk him. >> how cool is that mark teixeira is here helping you out? is that cool? >> cool! >> yeah! >> hey, mark, this is the -- this is the outfit i was going to change into but i'm so confident, i'm going to wear my suit. >> ok. >> come on. >> come on. >> you need to do it. >> i noticeded that mark is standing behind the kids. does that mean if the kids don't get you in, teixeira has a shot at you, brian? >> if the kids does not get me in, mark teixeira from across the street can try. >> he's going to make you go across the street. >> that might be a little tough. >> ok. >> here he goes, kids. >> get ready. >> line it up!