al qaeda in the arabian peninsula which every american intelligence official believes is the number one threat to us, not usama bin laden and al qaeda but al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. >> jamie: anwar al-awlaki says, they are building the presence and strength and they've benefitted from what happened in tunisia, egypt and we're watching libya. i have to ask you one question about libya. are you aware of intelligence, that suggests that some of the rebels, we really don't know exactly who they are, they may be al qaeda? >> i can't go into that i'm very concerned, all i can say, there is cause for concern, yes. >> jamie: in libya as well. >> yes. as far as elements among the -- we don't know who they are and, reason to believe, some are al qaeda and we've heard through the nato commander and i don't want to go beyond what hope. but is probably does go beyond that. >> jamie: what will the committee do with respect to looking into yemen specifically. >> the homeland security committee we have to be more on our guard, we are always on our

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