erroneous data when they said levels in the grondwater underneath the plant were 10,000 times above the legal level. they don't know what it was, they're going to retest over the weekend but it wasn't 10,000 times as they said it was and probably going to downgrade the figure. what this is doing is eroding confidence in tekko and what they're telling the public with regard to this scare, just how much radiation is there leaking from the plant. we really don't know. they're not telling us and they're not telling us accurately. that is just adding to the weight of concern that people are already suffering. people are trying to get their lives back together after the disaster, the tsunami and earthquake itself. we hear from the top government spokesman they haven't even come up with a road map yet on how to get out of this crisis, they are saying we want to present a road map but we are not in a position to do it in a responsible manner at this time, we just don't have the information. what they need to do contain