up. and governor -- wouldn't speak up when they were accused of being racist. in this instance it's going to be republicans vs. democrats. and nobody is going to be standing back on this thing. so it's going to be a very interesting dynamic for the next two months. the thing about it is these are all, you know, is there racism in this country; yes. is there sexism in this country? yes? should they be part of campaigns? no. what senator obama and all the others have to do, certainly he did not mean anything bike. -- by this. you do have to be very very careful. four people on the stage one of whom is a woman and one wears lipstick. you have to be very careful about what you say and do during the course of a campaign. >> greta: but maybe we're a little bit, you know, i mean, when i first heard it i cringed because i also remember him saying hillary, you are likeable