>> shannon: all right. senator hagan, we thank you very much, out of north carolina. we thank the many troops that we know you represent there around their families as well. >> thank you very much. >> shannon: well, lawmakers are still trying to work out a long-term budget to fund the government, congress returns to washington in week i and a numr of top republican ares are said they are through with the short-term measures aimed at preventing another government shutdown, two weeks here, four weeks there, they want a long-term solution. for more about that here is peter doocy. >> new york senator schumer feels that both parties will be able to make a deal for the budget the rest of the fiscal year as soon as they stop blasting democrats and start moving away from the newest members. the speaker knows his problem is with the tea party, not democrats. instead of lashing out at democrats we hope house republicans will finally stand up to the tea party and resume the negotiations that had seemed so full of promise.