1,000 waivers to companies several labor unions from electrical workers to plumbers and carpenters and even whole states such as maine. >> 2.5 million americans are given waiver h waivers so that the healthcare law doesn't apply to them. the rest of america is saying hey, i don't want it to apply to me either. >> more than 20 states challenged the constitutionality of the law with court ruling both ways many want expedited review by the supreme court. >> i think the court has to take the case. it should take it sooner rather than later. >> the administration opposes that and critics think the president doesn't want to take a chance before the 2012 election or he'd want to know the answer as much as the states do. in washington, jim angle, fox news. >> bret: the obama administration says it is pushing ahead with terror trials at guantanamo bay. but the lawyers involved say that isn't the case. after the break, the latest on the nuclear fall-out in japan. [ male announcer ] you never know when, but thieves can steal your identity,

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