reducing the size, scope, and lowering taxes, national security and free market for enterprise solutions. those are bed rock foundational principles of this country and they're not going away. if anything, they're going to be even more scrutiny among us elected officials. >> brian: and do you find that grass roots republicans as you go to battle and work with them are happy that the tea party is there? >> i think it's important that the tea party is there. it's irrespective of what we may want. in the month of february we spent 223 million dollars on the shortest month of the year, a record in deficit spending, we're spending about 4 to 5 billion dollars a day and the american people know this and this does not have anything to do with republican or democrat, it's a concern to all americans as they look at the future and the legacy and the financial crisis that may be looming. >> brian: congressman allen west, thank you for joining us and using your both of your professional jobs helping us