dividing, it is a concern to watch them as they grow in age that everything remains healthy that is there, it's so important. jenna: so much to find out and look ahead to and see how the crisis develops. dr. cromwell good to have you. >> reporter: our hearts go out to everyone in japan obviously. jenna: it's a tragedy when you see what is going on. looking forward to having you on again, thank you. jon: an ongoing crisis on a smaller scale in this country. floodwaters slowly starting to recede in new jersey. residents are not in the clear just yet. what the forecast holds for the days ahead. also the radiation danger in japan it highlights the potential risks at nuclear facilities here in the united states. trace gallagher is on that. >> reporter: in fact jon i i'm at one of the nuclear power plants in the country built right on the ocean. what would happen if a major earthquake and tsunami struck southern california? some very surprising insight coming up. ♪