around, the tens of thousands of people who come there every year would not exist. >> judge napolitano: c'mon, give me a break. cowboy poetry festival? where is that in the constitution? here with reaction, republican senator from pennsylvania pat toomey too many. senator toomey, it's a pleasure. welcome to the "glenn beck program." i know sometimes politicians get carried away but that is a reason for borrowing trillions and not balancing the budget, that he wants a cowboy poetry festival to continue in the desert in nevada? >> judge, it's just beyond belief. i just hope that this clip goes viral all over the country, because my constituents just won't believe it unless they see with their own eyes that the majority leader in a year when we are running a $1.6 trillion deficit, when we are adding huge amount of debt to the backs of their kids and grand kids, he is attacking us for the little tiny cuts because it might interrupt the cowboy poetry festival.