to face meeting that would take place along the illinois-wisconsin border. mike tobin is live in the state capitol of madison for us right now. so mike, i guess things are getting ugly. >> you know jon, for the first time we have seen some real emotion and frustration come out of governor scott walker and he directed his frustration at the senate minority leader, a guy named mark miller, the governor says through all of the meetings, all the communications, all the deals to bring the senate democrats back to madison, ultimately senator miller stood in the way, then yesterday sen -- senate imagine ord leader and governor received this letter from senator miller requesting the face 20 -- face to face meeting. >> that's why this letter is just absolutely ridiculous, because tile and time again we have met, the very person who wrote this letter to myself and senator fitzgerald, mark miller, is the person standing in the way of that progress and we need to have a change so that we can move this forward. >> reporter: wisconsin democrats have responded to