disability. a lot of people are going on or staying on government aid and government aid, at a time when government aid is targeted to are cuts. there are a number of long term unemployed people. you have to worry about what that does to the nation's psyche when you have this many people still out of work, six months a year, even two years and on. that's -- that's going to be the difficult -- most difficult nut for any candidate or any president to crack. >> chris: kevin, the unrest -- i said take oil out, now put it in. unrest in the middle east contributed to a spike in oil prices. crude is now $104 a barrel, that's a the highest in more than two years. a gallon of gas jumped 10% from $3.08 a gallon to $3.38 a gallon. kevin, the rule of thumb is for every one cent increase in the cost of a gallon of gas, that takes a billion dollars of