about how you, too, did some drugs, drank a lot of alcohol, living that fast and loose life. >> broad word there with some. megyn: so a lot of drugs. >> yeah. megyn: how did you not wind up where he is? >> i got to a place -- first of all, i'm with the same woman now 23 years later, 22 years of sobriety, but married to the same woman. that was part of it. i had thought been honest with her and disappeared for three days, blah, blah, blah. but the bottom line is, i got sick and tired of being sick and tired and said to myself, similar my walk of faith, how do i get into this program of sobriety and do it the way you are supposed to? megyn: do you think he's beyond that because he's been to rehab so many times? >> i don't believe anybody's beyond it. i think that god is great and god does miracles every day. and i think if enough people