citizens they will more rapidly be deported back to their home countries. jon: so which countries are we talking about that are sort of most tied into these gangs? is it mexico? other nations? >> reporter: well according to ice this really goes to about 26 major countries, however, mexico being the largest with this drug smuggling gangs and then you have the central american connection, and of course the coco producing nations of south america those being columbia and peru. according to ice this is a great effort here. what they are seeing is the traditional u.s. street gang is morphing from doing its own activities on u.s. streets to getting into business with these very serious international drug smuggling cartels which are then providing the cocaine, the meth, the marijuana at a very discounted rate to then get their new dealers on the street, and that is something that ice is definitely taking seriously, working with local law enforcement. again this all went down over