fight waste and fraud. i think this conversation will be a very important part of what we debate. jenna: you've been in office since 2006, is that right, senator. >> elected in 2006, correct. jenna: do you feel responsible for some of the wasteful spending that is happening in government? >> you know what i think everyone bears some responsibility, and sometimes it's not until you reach a point where you're debating in a more intensive way, spending and deficit reduction. i think there is a lot of folks in ar washington who can bear se of the responsibility. i do believe that we are arriving now at a consensus not only about what to do about this year but to focus on next year's budget and focus very hard on cutting spending but not injuring the job creation that creates the growth. jenna: that is important for our viewers, just really quick here a final question about the gao report. they are estimating around $200 billion of wasteful