even more misgivings on the senate side among democrats where the bill will go after it passes. jon: that's the big question, isn't it, what happens in the senate. >> well that, is the difficulty here. the democratic leadership was at first skeptical when house republicans came up with this plan last week, then they realized it would be hard, if not odd, to turn down only $4 billion in cuts, which were also proposed by president obama but they haven't moved an inch on bigger cuts over the longer term. there is however a bipartisan group of decifit hawks working on a compromise package, but for the next ten years, not the next two weeks or even the next six months. listen: >> you know, if you think about it, the conversation here in washington is almost bizarre. we have 1 1/2 trillion dollars decifit, we have a $14 trillion debt. and the focus is on $4 billion spending cut or a