>> yep, that's exactly right. we've done some interest additional work for urban ministries of durham. i found a lot of traditional work focuses making you feel bad for people in these situations which is effective but at the same time it sets up us versus them kind of dynamic. what we wanted to do with spent was give people the sensation really seeing for themselves what it's like to be in these situations and how tough the decisions that people have to make really are and give them a really first-person understanding what it is like to live on the edge. jon: but, patrice, don't most people go to online game sites to have some fun and just kind of relax and forget about their troubles? if you're going to a game site and get depressed because you lose your house or lose our job or whatever, are you going to be able to pull in an audience that way? >> actually over the past week, since the game came out we've had a great response. we've had over 200,000