jared loughner who will pursue additional murder charges against the 22-year-old when the first trial is over. that first trial will focus on his alleged assassination attempt on congresswoman gabrielle giffords along with two of her aides. more bombshell allegations from wikileaks, saying the u.s. agreed to give sensitive information about great britain's nuclear program to the russians in exchange for russia agreeing to the new start treaty. the news is contained in thousands of u.s. cables that talk about using the u.k. as bargaining chip. >> weeks avalanching an advertising campaign encouraging illinois business to relocate out east, governor christie visited the windy city and down played suggestions this could be nothing more than political grand standing. i don't know how it could be, what you are doing is coming out and sell what you have to sell which is the great state of new jersey and i don't understand why that is sewmanship and if i come back with one business that