descended into further chaos, i thought open the window is further chaos? >> exactly. this is not right. >> greta: why do they hate him? >> you know, they really don't hate him. they hate what he stands for. the fact is mubarak for 30 years has led egypt. he took it from a very dangerous position when sadat was assassinated. he has done a great deal of good things. he's lost touch with the people. he's lost touch with his country in the last five to 10 years. the man is aging. >> greta: lost touch in what way? we have turnovers because we have terms for our presidents. lost touch in what way? >> he doesn't understand his people any more. anybody that could look out there and suggest that he was still in charge or that he had any chance of being in charge in the future and look at what is going on in the seats, would understand this isn't going to work. >> greta: this is anger