u.n. official he had a moral responsible to be objective and impartial no matter what the critics say. now it seems he has shed that manned he will as he marches along with the protestors in the streets of cairo. jon: thank you. jenna: many american presidents are forced to deal with unexpected events and egypt could be one of those events for president obama. how he handles this crisis could impact how history views his presidency, and some say whether easy elected or reelected in the next few years. how will the chaos in egypt define this administration? we are going to ask elliott abrams -rblgs he was the national secretary adviser for the mideast for president bush. why toes this situation carry such weight? >> reporter: because egypt is a very important country not only in the context of israeli palestinian relations but the suez canal. egypt is the most populous arab country, # 0 million people. it's been an important american