a businessman background. >> and we're also hearing, of course, rudy giuliani may throw his hat into the ring. we heard that friday night on the hannity show. he showed up on that list and some other names that weren't on that list although it seems to be a lot of favorability among republicans right now, mitch daniels, you have john thune and some of those other people not making that list. it was interesting to see. >> i think they were way down at 3%. in the meantime, get to the headlines and tell you what else is happening this morning. doctors for congresswoman gabrielle giffords says she's more alert and progressing nicely with her recovery. giffords has started physical therapy from her room in the intensive care unit at a houston hospital. doctors say they'll spend the next few days determining when they'll transfer giffords to the hospital's high-tech rehab facility. and that will depend on whether they can drain fluid build-up from the congresswoman's brain. a group from salt lake city is trying to recall pima county arizona sheriff clarence dupnik. he was criticized for his

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