joshua, how old are you? 22. and where do you go to school? >> university of kansas, just graduated in december. >> glenn: okay. and you want to be a lawyer? >> yes, sir. >> glenn: okay. i had so much respect for you, just the intelligence level has dropped off. only because i have a lot of lawyer friends and they're all miserable. let me start with wilmington. why did you get together with your friends and go to fraternity? it doesn't sound like hey, guys, party with glenn beck. >> i'm part of a christian fraternity, brothers in christ. i watched your show in murphy theater with my friend derek. after the show we looked at each other and we were like are you thinking what i'm thinking? he's like i think so, what are you thinking? i said i think we need to go to wilmington. >> glenn: this is not when i was there. this is after? >> this is half. >> glenn: what were you looking for?