you? megyn: and she'll do hundreds of practice tests with the daughter. >> there's a lot of focus in our cub on, you know -- country, on, you know, bullying. but there's a lot of extracurricular, sports stuff that is very focused on at school. maybe a little bit more concern about academics and making it more of a priority in if life and having kids believe that they can succeed and that we have high expectation for them is not a terrible thing. megyn: i was not raised at all by parents who were, like, you must succeed. they were like, eh, you've got to maintain a b average. she would be horrified by my parents. yet i had a natural drive. we did okay. >> i didn't go to harvard. i woand up all right, you know? megyn: what's the definition of happiness and success? for her it's harvard -- >> were you showered with lots of praise if you did something that was just okay.