takes to get the budgets back in line. not raise property taxes like probably every single other state in the union. >> don't forget mitch daniels of indiana, cut surplus and spending revenues. and you can do it. >> gary b, the bottom line, we're likely too see income tax hikes no matter who is in congress. >> yeah, i absolutely see it. like i say, the states-- i bet california is going to be the first one, they're going to get bailouts because they're unwilling, you know, a lot of the people here on the show right now, are unwilling to cut spending. >> that's not accurate. >> like new jersey, we're all going to have to pay for it. caroline last word here. >> in california we have been slashing health care, programs for the poor. it's not market to say states aren't looking at cutting when they are. >> an incremental amount, unfortunately. enough to make the real hard