sparingly little between largely 4-5% in the last five years. and reports estimate half of the baby boom generation now just starting to hit retirement doesn't have enough saved to get them through the retirement years. >> baby boomers are the me now, get it now generation. i think part of it is because we have had a fair amount of economic prosperity. so we really haven't had to salt away for a rainy day. >> there isn't much sunshine in the immediate economic forecast. >> i don't see the foreclosures dropping in 2011. i don't see the unemployment rate significantly dropping. basically, this is the year of the consumer to get their spending in check. >> trend for people who can save is to keep it liquid. >> resident investing in the market, they will keep three to five months worth of salary in a nest egg account to protect them. >> as they plan a simple september wedding, they say putting aside money will be a priority as soon as they have enough to set aside.

Related Keywords

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