that. listen, when you can have a defense department that can shrink wrap $10.8 billion in american money, load it on 175 pallets and put it on a, on a transport or plane and ship it to iraq where they pass out $900 bills and -- $100 bills and no one has any receipts, when you know that kind of waste is going on, when you know that we're giving money to afghanistan that somehow ends up shipped to the relatives of the leader of afghanistan whether building villas in -- where they're building villas in dubai, look, we have concerns in this country we have to start taking care of, and it's important that we track the misspending that's going on through the department of defense so that we can keep that money for things we need at home. jon: you are known as an opponent of the afghan war, in fact, i understand you're going to be introducing a resolution in congress to end funding for