more, is it the next business venture waiting to be exploited. >> julie: new congress is getting to work this week in washington, but before lawmakers take their seats there are already strong words flying across this aisle. many of those words coming from members of the government oversight committee, the new republican chair, congressman darrell issa, ready to challenge the white house, on spending. peter doocy live in our washington bureau with the wrap-up. >> reporter: you're right, congressman darrell issa, bean in d.c. a decade and wednesday, he'll be sitting atop the house oversight and government reform committee and he says he can find enough fraud and waste in big government programs to save taxpayers $200 billion. over the next two years. and he thinks a lot of stimulus money has been wasted, and same for the health care law and he thinks too many shovel ready projects end up sitting on the shelves instead of making their way to towns across america that need infrastructure and jobs.