kinds of taxpayer benefits and, you know, we think that's not the proper interpretation of the 14th amendment so what we're hoping is congress will actually pass a statute clarifying this key clause in the 14th amendment citizenship clause, the key clause says you have to be subject to the jurisdiction thereof, in our view, a mother who has come here illegally has not submitted herself to u.s. jurisdiction. there's no political connection between her and the united states and therefore, she's outside of the jurisdiction and the child should get a certificate of birth that should be used to get the citizenship document back in the home country and that would be to bring us up to standards around the world. right now, the current -- >> i have to bring in rafael for a minute here. ok? rafael, 53%, the births of nonresidents are up from 2000 to 2006. there is some sort of problem here, isn't it? is it being taken advantage of and misinterpreted. >> we see the problem as certain folks from the right using this for political points to rally