have a union do it. barack obama, it's not just cozy the relationship he has with the union. eric, it's down right shady. it's down right shady. if i were a republican on capitol hill i would subpoena the unions, big labor to come up and say what did you get in exchange for all those political contributions. >> the way you are carrying on you would think the union members were making it'll tens of millions of dollars from our tax dollars like -- >> stories, carnegie hall, hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> eric: give me an industry, a company that has done better, that has prospered because they are involved, they have union membership in their company? give me one name. >> our nation has done better. >> eric: i'm asking you just one company or local one local state or municipality doing better because of unions. >> first of all our nation was built on the structure. >> eric: g.m. is doing better now. >> exactly.