every legislative bill or vehicle they're looking at goes through a filter: does it help the economy, and does it create jobs? jon: doesn't a lot of that job fall at the feet of the president? >> no, i don't think that's right. the two parties are going to have to work together on these major economic initiatives, and i think that you saw what nancy pelosi and harry reid were able to do from congress to really whether it's the attempt to pass cap and trade or passing health care, did tremendous damage in helping the president with his agenda, and i think john boehner with a majority in the house can do a lot to put the brakes on the obama agenda and make sure we can start to get this economy turned around. jon: doug, it sometimes seemed especially the democratic party maybe doesn't hear the message of the last election. there were a lot of, well, that supplemental spending bill, for instance, that was bloated with all kinds of spending projects, is that going to change? >> well, i think it is going to change. first of all, jon, the bill that was passed extending the tax