the floodwaters, sewage contamination, it rained for seven days out here, keep in mind, dropping up to 13 inches of water in some areas. that has caused a back up with some of the sewage systems around the state, and as a result four state beaches are going to be closed, one up near the san francisco bay area, the others down here in southern california. but, boy, the golden state not alone, much of the southwest pummeled by this storm. parts of utah are underwater. a county in northern arizona declaring a state of emergency. high waters sweeping away at least six homes in beaver dam, arizona. that is up along the arizona/nevada line, 90 miles northeast of las vegas where the virgin river has spilled over: nevada has seen its fair share of problems. aerial pictures in nevada show cars underwater. people have been putting out sandbags doing anything they can to keep the mud and muck out of