pakistan. the u.s. campaign of joint attacks there are responsible for taking out terror suspects. also "the new york times" reporting commanders in afghanistan will push for an even greater special ops presence. but nato now denying that the u.s. plans more raids in pakistan, so let's talk to the pentagon about this. jeff morrell is pentagon press secretary, and he's our guest now. jeff, is the pentagon pushing for greater presence whether it's overt or covert in pakistan? >> i think this is one of those where "the new york times" probably wishes it had had more than one source, and this one being an unnamed american official being the one who they hung this story on. and you saw isaf taking the unusual move overnight of putting out a press release saying the story is erroneous and that there are no plans to conduct any such operations. we do, jenna, have some u.s. forces in pakistan, have had them for some time, but they number fewer than 100. they are special operators who are conducting a train, the