in the arabian peninsula hatched a plot to target salad bars and buffets at hotels and restaurants over a single weekend. the source said al-qaida didn't have a specific hotel in mind or specific time frame. that source also not sure. the group had the actual capability to carry out such an attack. >> some of president obama's family members are in hawaii for christmas. the president is stuck in snowy d.c. working the phones trying to rally enough votes to pass the start treaty. today, the senate is expected to host a test vote on the arms reduction treaty with russia. republicans including senator mitch mcconnell say they're being rushed. the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee says that's not true. >> a decision of this magnitude should not be decided under the pressure of a deadline. >> i would say to my friend from kentucky that just because you say something doesn't make it true. >> yep. >> kerry's fellow senator from massachusetts, scott brown a republican is joining the democrat to support the treaty.